En la sociedad actual, constantemente nos enfrentamos a preguntas que, desde diferentes campos, nos invitan a reflexionar sobre nuestro estilo de vida y nuestras decisiones cotidianas. ¿Debemos seguir las modas, o es mejor optar por nuestro propio criterio y autenticidad? ¿Qué podemos hacer para mantenernos en forma y llevar una vida saludable en un mundo tan agitado? ¿Realmente las dietas Son las dietas eficaces de verdad? Por otro lado, ¿está conseguida la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres en todos los ámbitos de la vida, o aún queda mucho por hacer en este sentido? A nivel cultural, ¿qué ventajas tiene “engancharse” a series de televisión en un momento en el que las plataformas de streaming nos ofrecen una oferta interminable de contenido? Y, por último, las nuevas tecnologías, que han transformado nuestra vida diaria, ¿nos están beneficiando realmente o nos están trayendo consigo problemas inesperados? Estas son algunas de las interrogantes que marcan el ritmo de nuestra época y que invitan a una reflexión profunda sobre cómo vivimos y qué es lo mejor para nosotros como individuos y como sociedad. Nuestros alumnos de 2º de bachillerato opinan, y lo hacen en inglés.
Present-day trends
By Pablo Guerra Amaya. 2º Bachillerato A.
Nowadays, trends reach us in a very fast way, mostly thanks to social media,which spread tendencies between teenagers all over the world.
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In my personal experience, I get easily hooked to all new trends that come out, but I have a filter, no piercings. Regarding to tatoos, I like what they can express about you to someone that does not know you, it is a presentation. However, I don´t personally consider the option of tatooing my entire body.
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When it comes to hairstyle, a good haircut can make a man to look really good or appropriate for a certain environment, a way to fit in with the people that surround you. The latest trends, however, promote extravagances and different things, and I am more of a classical thinking person, so I don´t have good feelings for them.
In conclusion, I usually follow new trends, but they have to respect my special and personal criteria.
Nowadays boys and girls have the same opportunities in life, do you agree?
By Pablo Moreno Romero. 2º Bachillerato A.
Nowadays, modern governments are putting a lot of effort and resources in promoting gender equality, trying to transform society into a more balanced environment which gives the same opportunities to everyone, regardless of the gender. Nevertheless, a common discussion among citizens is whether those measures are enough to fulfill those people.
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Firstly, if we compare the range of jobs a woman could not apply for before with the huge variety of them where she can be employed in the present, there has been an enormous progress. Not only do they work in jobs “reserved for men” before,such as mining or working for some companies, but also they have the same salaries than them.
Secondly, despite the progress made in the area of gender equality, the differences between both genders still exist, even if they are softer. For example, although a boy and a girl can study indistinctively the degree they like, there is always a social pressure concerning which of them are “for boys” or “for girls”, a fact that has an invisible influence on their choice.
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To conclude, I feel that we are following the right path in the seek of justice between genders, the work is not completed, specially in some areas like the social perspective, that tend to create stereotypes.
What can you do to keep fit and healthy?
By Antonio Cadilla Barea. 2º Bachillerato B.
Being fit is a very popular topic on this day and age. Nevertheless, people still have some doubts about how to achieve their personal fitness goal. In order to increase awareness and help the people, here are the tips that I would follow.
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Firstly, for those who want to reduce weight, it wouldn´t hurt to go on a low-fat and high-protein diet. Not only will you be losing some fat, but you will be gaining muscle as well if followed by a regular training.
Speaking from personal experience, for those who want to increase muscle mass, going on a high-caloric diet is essential. If you don´t have the ability of eating this much, you will need to start drinking smoothies, which are mixed with proteins.
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To sum up, keeping your body healthy and fit is no longer a fantasy. Although it seems easy, it takes some will to follow these strict rules.
What should boys and girls be taught to prevent sexist attitudes?
By Marina Vicente Martínez. 2º Bachillerato C.
Sexist attitudes have recently been more reported than centuries ago. When it wasn´t even a possibility to report. It has indeed been an advance, but we shouldn´t stop here as we still have to pave the way for future generations.
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Both boys and girls have inevitable sexist attitudes due to the culture we have all been raised in, but the desire to change is the first step to take actions against them. It is difficult for people to educate their children on sexist attitudes if they haven´t been themselves by their parents. School is the place where everyone must go through, so it must be the key to alert about this topic.
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Any violent attitude is avoidable, if there is respect first. Boys and girls should be taught to respect each other no matter the circumstance, because everybody has the same rights no matter their sex, race or conditions.
Also, they should speak up in case they suffer from one situation like that. It is the moment to keep figting so one day it won´t be necessary anymore to report a sexist attitude, only prevent it.
Advantages and disadvantages of following a diet.
By Gonzalo Toranzo Gallardo. 2º Bachillerato A.
Most of us have at some point considered following a diet, maybe because we felt like losing weight, gaining it, or just in order to have a healthy lifestyle, but, what are the main advantages and disdvantages of following a diet?
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On the one hand, when a person with health problems such as obesity starts following a diet which forces him or her to lose weight, unless this diet uses dangerous methods for fast results, the benefits can be easily observed. Not only for the person´s physical appearance, but also for his/her wellbeing.
On the other hand, it is common for people who follow a diet to become obsessed with these. Even people who have reached their initial milestone are sometimes not capable of leaving their diet. The cost of some diets is also a commonly heard problema amongst those who follow them.
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To sum up, dieting clearly has some outstanding advantages such as effective weight loss, but it is important to remember that wellbeing goes before physical appearance in order to have a healthy relationship with diets.
Do you enjoy watching TV Series?
By Juan Luis Acosta Gallego. 2º Bachillerato B.
I´m a student of 2º Bachillerato, that means that I spend a lot of time studying and doing homework. So I enjoy a lot that brief moment during dinner when my family and I start watching the new episode of “the good doctor”.
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Watching TV is a way to relax and disconnect after a very stressful day. Watching TV, I can forget that Maths test for a moment and focus on enjoying a good meal with my parents. Also, at least in my case, I can spend some time with my family, which is always welcomed. It is great to share a moment in which we can enjoy something together.
Fuente: Pexels |
I think it is already obvious, but I enjoy watching TV (specially this week, since Eurovision is held son and I´m a big fan of this contest). I love being able to rest and spend some time with my family.
Do you consider technology necessary for everyday life?
By Rodrigo Román Barba. 2º Bachillerato C.
Technology has always been a part of the human race. The first ability that separated us from the animals back on the beginning of time was the capability for sharpening rocks to hunt. That was, as it is always repeated at history clases the dawn of technology. The use of tools continued developing after that, evolving and staying alongside us for a very long time , but it now seems as if modern day devices have evolved more than humans themselves, and propose a new dilemma: to what extent should we keep them with us?
World History Encyclopedia |
The new technology has been presented as absolutely necessary for us; no one leaves home without a phone in their pocket that has full control of what we do or what we don´t. Our current lifestyle makes us unable to live independently of new technology forcing it to be necessary.
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Phones, computers, internet and smartwatches. It has recently been shown that it is the only the beginning; AI and virtual reality will soon leave those behind and be proclaimed as the new basic need. Much to our demise, new technology will keep being at our side for a very, very long time.
Have we really achieved gender equality?
By Mar Moreno Sosa. 2º Bachillerato A.
Nowadays, the discussion about equality between genders in society is a common topic. There has always been this debate about the problem being solved or not.
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On the one hand,it is true that we have come a long way in the last years, the role of women in society nowadays has nothing to do with the role that they had in the past., but that doesn´t mean that we have achieved everything.
When it comes to terms such as job opportunities or even salary, being a woman can be considered a disadvantage.
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On the other hand, there are many organisations fighting to achieve this goal and, despite the fact that we still have to keep going, there have been some great improvements . Boys and girls can now receive the same education or have the same jobs.
To conclude, I believe we should be proud of what we have achieved, but that shouldn´t stop us from achieving even more things.
Sport and health. Is it important for you?
By Pilar Gómez Huelmes. 2º Bachillerato B.
It is thought by many that, in order to get fit, all you need to do is working out at a gym. However, what many dont´t know is that the food and what you eat is the most difficult part of it.
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Going to the gym is such a good way to lower body fat, get fit and strong, and when someone is fat, what everyone tells that person is to go to the gym and work out. This is only good for that person if he or she has a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients and things that the body needs to go through the work out and survive.
These kinds of diets or “healthy eating habits” combined with any kind of sport such as yoga, basketball, tennis and many more, are a really good way to keep fit and healthy. Although these diets are good and work nicely, it is important to remember that your body is the only one that you are going to have and that you should treat it nicely.
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As I mentioned before, working out is nothing without good eating habits, but also starving or eating less without working out is not good for your health either.
To sum up, try to find habits that work for you and focus on your health to keep healthy.
Healthy mind in healthy body.
Amaia de Larrauri Martín. 2º Bachillerato B.
Staying healthy is not just about doing exercise regularly and having a balanced diet, but it is also about being mentally healthy, not just physically.
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These two affect each other, so the ideal way to keep healthy is by staying fit and knowing how to deal with anxiety and stressful situations.
Physically, you can work out at the gym and have a healthy diet with loads of fruits and vegetables. Exercising can be done basically anywhere!, at home, at the park, at the gym… You just need to make sure you are doing the right work outs in an adequate way in order not to get hurt. An amazing idea would be to have a coach or trainer and a nutritionist to guide you.
Fuente: PxHere |
When it comes to having a healthy mind, writing your problems, goals and thoughts on a journal should help you keep your brain activity organised, keeping you stress-free.
Staying fit and healthy can be done in many ways, so I´d recommend contacting a trainer, nutritionist and therapist if you have personal issues.
Coeducacion for a better life.
By Iria Márquez Rivera .2º Bachillerato C.
Over the course of the years, sexism has greatly decreased. However, these horrible attitudes are still present in the current world, and with them come countless victims of abuse and even rape.
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The first measure that should be taken into account is education. By teaching the new generations mutual respect, countless incidents could be avoided, as well as raising awareness of the dangers that sexist attitudes carry. As a result, this generation of responsable adults would, in turn, teach their children those same values and prevent future violence.
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On top of this, the current views on masculinity should also de changed.The image of the strong, powerful man needs to be removed in favour of more respectful stereotypes.
In conclusion, not only are women supposed to learn the dangers of sexism, but humans as a whole should come together to create a society where equality and respect are the norm and these attitudes are punished.
Are diets always advisable?
By Daniela Garea Flores. 2º Bachillerato A.
Nowadays, we can see how everybody is following a diet. Thanks to social media, young people believe that they have to be as fit as posible if they want the perfect body. As a result, thay eat less or do other things (like a diet) to lose weight.
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If you folow a diet, you will see how your appearance and health improve. If you don´t feel good about your body, with a diet you could have the body you want, fit and healthy.
However, as time passes, we see how following a diet can be bad too. Losing a lot of weight could be dangerous for your health. Another problem is that you can´t eat whatever you want, when you start a diet you should know that. If you like chocolate, you won´t be able to eat it.
Fuente: PXHere |
To sum up, following a diet could be a good way to feel good with your own body. But you have to be careful and think twice before starting one.
Fitness and happiness.
By Juan Luis Acosta Gallego. 2º Bachillerato B.
If you want to live a long and enjoyable life, it is very important to stay healthy. But not always that is an easy goal to achieve. However, there are some advices that can help you on this task.
First of all, it is important to improve the quality of your diet.Reducing the amount of high fat foods and sugary products is a great way to improve your health. Also, it is very important to eat more fruits and vegetables and to eat slowly, because if you eat fast there are more possibilities to end up eating more.
Secondly, exercising is very important. You don´t need to spend three hours daily in a gym, but it is important to keep your body active and do a minimum of physical activity. There are a lot of sports out there, so it is not really difficult to find at least one that you like.
Fuente: PxHere |
Finally, it is important to remark that there are more things you can do to stay healthy that I haven´t mentioned. For example, tips to keep a good mental health (which is as important as physical health). However, with these advices, everyone should be able to keep a healthy and long life.
Fighting against violence.
By Rodrigo Romás Barba .2º Bachillerato C .
Let´s say you got some spare time, you calmly lay on the sofa and turn on the TV. And suddenly, horrible news of rape and sexual violence appear on the screen instantly vanishing all thought of pure relax.
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Everyone has experienced this, not these aggresions, of course, but seeing cases like these every now and then, or so it was until recent reports of sexual violence appeared more often, then monthly and soon without noticing, cases of rape have become usual to everyone.
Fuente: PxHere |
So, one would certainly wonder:”What is the root of all this?. Undeniably, it is a matter of education, school and parents should make an effort on changing the way sexual education is seen. Should respect and tolerande be taught from an early age all the way through one´s education, society will see itself benefited on this aspect.
It is true that it is not only a matter of education, but the way the seed is planted.
Physical aspect and diets.
Carmen Reina Borjas. 2º Bachillerato A.
Nowadays, we live in a society where people care about their health and physical aspect more than ever. Specially thanks to social media, people want to look their best to receive the most compliments as posible and also to feel good with their bodies.That is one reason why there are so many people starting to practise new sports and following new diets.
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On the one hand, following a diet can be a good start to plan yourself into begining a new fitness plan where you can be controlled and advised by a nutritionist. It will help you keep a balance of what you eat and have your weight under control. On the other hand, if you don´t have any ideas about following a diet, it can be dangerous for your health and body to start a diet without knowing if it is appropriate for you.
Fuente: Pexels |
Eventually, if you really want to make a change in your life and start a diet, make sure you do it under the supervision of a qualified expert.
Streaming platforms may be addictive.
Mario Cascado Sevilla. 2º Bachillerato B.
Whilst many people really love watching series on streaming platforms, I prefer spending my free time at other activities. This doesn´t mean that I hate them, but I don´t get a lot of satisfaction from them.
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On the one hand, there are so many series to watch, so many that it is really posible that you find some according to your tastes. There are comedies, science fiction…Moreover, you can choose the amount of time that you spend watching series. You spend not only a whole afternoon watching episode after episode, but also, you can just watch one and do other things.
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On the other hand, they are made to be addictive. You tend to lose more time than what you first thought or lose awareness of the time.The end of the episodes are usually amazing and mysterious so that you can´t help watching the next one. Furthermore, there are also a lot of series whose quality is quite low, which may cause you struggles to find one you really like.
To sum up, series can be extremely amusing and fit your tastes. However, this variety also includes series you may not like, which means that you have to know how to choose them and how much time you want to spend.